Friday, June 8, 2007


Having been reminded by Mission Control that my days on the bus were numbered, I finally sat down to figure out if the thirty day pass was doing me any good, money-wise. Understanding, of course, that you can't put a price on the freedom offered by the thirty day pass. So far my tickets would have cost me $419.50. The thirty day pass costs $522. A couple more long bus rides should put me over the top.

I think we all feel better knowing that.

Last night on the bus, the bus driver kept calling the bus the "schedule." "Don't leave your dvd players, cell phones, or computers on the schedule during the break," he would say. Each bus driver has their own patter; some are more vocal than others. One bus driver had a scent allergy and implored us not to apply any scented products. One bus driver kept saying sternly that there was no reason for anybody to be taking off their shoes on the bus. A lot of them, when explaining that there's a bathroom on the bus, use a lot of jokey synonyms in a row -- the can, the honeyput, the whatever. I don't know why.

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