Friday, June 1, 2007

Hotel Pools Are The Best

Usually because they're deserted. But tonight there was the family camped out there, with two pre-teen girls. The younger one fully occupied in diving for the penny which her dad had tossed in. The older mostly talking to her parents, stationed by the hot tub, but called in periodically to consult by the younger one on the penny-diving operation. Then, helpfully, offering to be a horse. I love that: the little kid in-the-pool-solely-to-do-tricks-and-prune-up-mode.

In regard to the luxury of the Days Inn: every single resident of the Twin Cities that I've talked to has a) identified it by referencing the downstairs bar (called Tracks and in full swing at this particular moment) and b) by trying to remember whether it was this motel or the (now-defunct) motel across the street that was home to the prostitution ring.

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