Monday, June 18, 2007

Returns: Untriumphal

The folks at River's End Campground in Tybee Island are kinder than kind, and are letting me use their computer, despite the fact that the office is closed. So this will be quick.

My first night in Savannah, the people in the rooms on either side of my hotel room got arrested at 3:00 a.m. Between that and the loss of my power cord, I felt a little bereft and nervous. Two subsequent days of watching attractive Southerners drink and flirt did not, surprisingly, restore me. Although Savannah is very beautiful and you should go there.

This morning I got my act together and took a cab out to Tybee Island. I feel much better now. The people at the campground a) held my backpack in the office while I spent the afternoon at the beach b) unlocked the pavilion in case it rains tonight (I am tentless) and c) are letting me use their computer. The Atlantic was incredibly calm, and shallow. I wallowed and floated and no doubt have another sunburn. Then I went to a tiki bar by the beach.

The bartender was an ex-lawyer, current animator. There was a couple in formal attire who were going to get married on the beach. The groom was doing a Le Bron James thing with his nails. The bride was wearing pink. There was a pair of old lovers having a rendezvous. They seemed to be on an every six year schedule. She talked about how her past (current?) husband wanted her to be a housewife. There was a couple there for their 35th wedding anniversery. I could go on. I had 1/4 pound of shrimp and a frozen drink.

Anyway, I'm going to quit bothering these people now. But I would like to thank Mission Control for their stalwart efforts during the ongoing power cord loss. And who doesn't like kittens?


jackpot said...

River's End is where I finished that bike trip. Isn't Savannah's minor league baseball team called something like the Sand Fleas?

For the uninitiated, Tybee Island has a weekend called Orange Crush where all the traditionally black schools in the area converge and throw a sick party. Usually in the first half of may. It's like a 2 day car show.

Did you make it to the breakfast place?

EFD said...

No, I'm hoping to this morning. Breakfast . . .

Two Os in Goose said...

biscuits and gravy?